Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Change of Mind

They started green, turned yellow, decided finally on orange. Unless they still have a red in them before they fall...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Before and After: The Pond

The day I went to the pond to capture the fall colors, the sky was overcast and the grey seemed to seep into all of the colors. The original photos were bland and washed out.

Rather than deleting them, I opted to fool around with them creatively and see what I could salvage.

The second photo is the "altered" one, which is a bit over-processed for me, but still fun to see what you can do with a washed out photo. I actually didn't even do a lot. I adjusted the white and black points (always my first "fix"), then heightened the saturation a bit. Using the unsharp masking tool, I crisped the photo up just enough to bring out the individual leaves. The sky, being flat white, would either have to stay that way, or be replaced. I opted to do a graduated blue across both the sky and the reflection, a much easier change to mimic in the water than trying to replace the sky with another prettier sky.

The picture looks processed, and not well-done at that. It would have been much better if it had been a sharp, vivid picture to begin with. But when you hope for great pictures and download them only to find they didn't turn out the way you'd seen them through the lens, it's nice to know you don't have to leave them that way.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Close Shave

My daughter needed sharper crayons. This is what was left behind, macro-fied.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Have a Seat

A picnic table at a local pumpkin patch farm. I loved the way the electric blue made the diagonal lines stand out even more. I could have done better with the angles, but I like the idea of it.