Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Bound to Happen...

 Those daffodils are just so darn optimistic. Every now and then, it's bound to bite them in the bud.


  1. They were so pretty, weren't they? And now they are all droopy and brown. The tulips - who are smart enough to wait a little longer before popping their heads out - are laughing a bit.

  2. Oh no! Seriously?? I kind of understand how they feel though! Even though we still have 3 ft of snow in spots, the sun's been shining, the melt is beginning, and I'm risking leavin' the house without the winter coat. It's been a long winter! The contrasting colour of yellow, white, and green make this shot another one of your beauties.

  3. Oh, hey! I didn't see you out in my front yard this morning! :)

  4. LOL!! I did hear you had snow, Tam! Hopefully it didn't last. This was gone by noon. But then, so were the flowers. They all died pretty quickly, and now we've got no new blooms or buds. This snow was the ruin to my beautiful daffodils!!
